I wanted to keep a blog of our lives as we settled in Jozi.  But man, is it hard to keep up when you are the sole breadwinner.  The momma.  The pregnant momma of a toddler.  And then a momma of two under two recovering from a pretty tough delivery and post-partum period. A trip […]

South Africa.  What are the first images that pop into your mind when you hear these two words?  For me, ashamedly, it was crime, then Africa’s most developed economy, and finally, amazing countryside.  Johannesburg was a blur for me – an undefined image in my head.  I couldn’t quite picture it, like I could other […]

The morning star.  I couldn’t think of a more fitting title for the chronicle of our lives in South Africa.  One word that bears so much meaning.  The beginning of our new life on a new continent, in a new city.  You could say that the stars brought us to this moment. Amakwezi can also […]